
A New Adventure Begins

Today, I step into a new chapter of my life. Today, I am “trying on” a new career! I am, hopefully, leaping off into the world of journalism!

I have an interview scheduled today with a young man, a local hero of sorts, with hopes of my story being picked up by either the local paper or perhaps a magazine! I have spent the better part of the past two days studying interviewing techniques and suggested question types. I have written out my questions, charged the camera, prepped the mini briefcase with what I will need for the interview, and now I just have to figure out what to wear!

I’m feeling that casual dress is appropriate for this interview and I’ll explain why. This young man is a rodeo champion and I’m sure part of the interview will be done in a pasture, barn, or other part of his parents ranch. I don’t think a dress and heels will work in that setting. Also, we live in a very rural area where “black tie” dress consists of starched jeans, starched western style shirt, and probably not a tie at all! Boots are always worn. Since I don’t own boots, at least none that fit, my shoes will have to be a bit more dressy-casual, but I’m thinking good jeans, and a nice, semi-dressy blouse/shirt, with minimal jewelry.

Maybe I am overthinking some of this, but I really want this to go well. If this interview goes well, and the story turns out good and is actually published, it could mean great things for me! It could mean a dream come true!

So, off I go to choose my outfit for the work portion of my day today! Wish me luck, and as always, prayers would be appreciated!