Archive | March 2012

Long time, no post!!!

I have let life get in the way of posting and I need to get back in the habit! I love the comments I get on a post that encourage me, always seems to help keep me going!

Well, I have not been slacking, let me tell you! I have had so much going on, sometimes I don’t know if I am coming or going, but it has all been good! I would rather be busy and tired, than just sitting around and being bored, feeling useless!

God has been doing so much in my life over these past couple of months, I can’t even begin to fathom what He has planned for my future! For starters, I am now volunteering at the East TX Pregnancy Help Center at LEAST once a week. I try to get up there more often any time I can. I just love being there with so many strong believers! I like to say that if you have any doubt about the presence of God in our wonderful building, you need to step back outside and walk in the door again. This time, pay attention when you walk in. You can feel God’s presence there!

God is so busy doing wonderful things in so many lives through this center, it just amazes me that He allows me the priviledge of being a part of it! He is touching the lives of not only the clients, but the staff and volunteers as well. The feeling throughout is one of family, home, comfort, and love. I never expected to gain an entire new family when I started going up there, but I certainly have! I continue to pray for God’s ongoing blessings on each and every person that steps through the door of our ‘home’, as well as those who assists us in any way, such as prayers or donations. This is a non-profit organization that exists purely off of donations, so if you find you have the opportunity, please give. You can even do it online! If you can’t give, prayers are so greatly appreciated!

I am still on my weight loss adventure. I have lost a total of about 27 pounds since starting back in January. I have many more to go, but with God’s help, I know I will reach my goal of building a healthier temple for Jesus. In fact, I am starting a Bible study, “Made To Crave”, with some ladies at the pregnancy center next week! I am so excited about this new opportunity! I know I am going to be learning so much!

So much has been going on with our family over the past year, I could not even begin to write about it here. All I will say is please, keep my family in your prayers. We have several issues in need of God’s healing touch. Part of me wants to say that we need His touch rather quickly but I know that God will take care of our needs, in His time- not ours. I just ask for wisdom, guidance, strength, peace, and understanding. I pray for the wisdom to make decisions that are pleasing to HIM, and I ask for guidance as we make decisions and plans. I seek strength and peace in very difficult situations, and in some not so difficult but still trying. I tend to be a very impatient person so when I want something, I WANT IT NOW!! LOL But, God is teaching me to be patient and satisfied with things I might not have considered blessings a couple of years ago!

For example, an argument with my husband. Not your idea of a blessing? Well, not mine either, but it did turn out to be a very big blessing! Is everything perfect? HAHA….no. Never has been nor will it ever be! But, we are happy and working on our 30th year together! So, something must be right in this equation!

I was thinking earlier about how things would go if I ever had the opportunity to speak up for my husband, to explain to others why he should be selected for something wonderful. As I thought about it, all I could think of is the fact that he has never been one to pack up and run from a difficult situation. He has always stood firm on his principles, even when it has been so excruciatingly difficult and his stress level would be through the roof! So many times he has had others tell him that he should just walk away from this or that situation, but he has never been one to abandon anything. If he starts it, he is going to finish it, no matter how long it takes! And, he is going to stand his ground. Oh, you can try to persuade him to support someone or something that he does not believe in, but unless you give him good evidence as to why he should, it’s not going to happen. He is not easily swayed! He has his convictions and he sticks to them.

My husband also loves with all his heart. He has had so many opportunities and plenty of reasons, to have chosen a different path for his life (and mine) or his career, but he has stuck to what he loves! So many times people walk away from relationships or jobs when times get hard, it is so easy to just give up after all. But not the man I am married to. If he has given his word, his vow, his promise, he is sticking to it! Even if it means he won’t get something he wants very badly. He will give up everything he wants, just to make those he cares about happy, or to give someone he loves something that they think they just have to have! There are not a whole lot of men out there like him today. I thank God for him! I thank God that He put us together. I realize I am so very blessed.

8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8, New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
That verse speaks directly of my husband. If I had to choose one scripture to describe him, this would be it. As the song lyrics go, “Seek justice, love mercy, walk humbly with your God.” He does just that. He has made his family so very proud, and I have no doubt he will continue to do so. I know I love him more than life itself and I am so very proud of the man that he is. He loves and serves God, loves and cares for his family, works so very hard in a very difficult job, and serves his community with pride.
So many have no idea of the impact he has had on their lives, and he chooses to keep it that way! He does not seek any recognition for anything he does. He is the definition of humble. He would give someone in need the shirt off his back. He loves mercy. He is determined to fight for justice and fairness. He seeks justice. I am so very blessed to be on this adventure we call life with him.
Thank you Lord Jesus, for giving me this wonderful man to spend my life with. I thank you for the difficult times we have had as well as the good times. I realize it is through the hard times that You have taught us the greatest lessons, and I thank You for those lessons. I ask you Father, for at least another 30 years on this earth with my husband and family, but if you choose to take one of us home before the other, I pray it would be me, as I cannot even begin to imagine living without him by my side. Father, I thank you for the many wonderful blessings you have given us, and I pray for your continued blessings on my family. Father, I ask you to be with my husband each and every day, whether he is at work or at rest, and just give him such a great sense of peace and comfort. I pray that You will give him strength as he goes through each day, and the best rest each night. I pray that You will keep him healthy, resolving any health issues he currently has. And Father, I pray that You will bless each person my husband comes into contact with in such a way that they have no doubt that they were with a God-fearing man. I thank you again Father for allowing me to be his wife. I ask your forgiveness Father, for any thing that I may have said or done that was upsetting or disappointing to you. Please help me to see my sins and shortcomings and to avoid repeating them. I love you Father God. Thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your ONLY son to die a horrific death, just so that I, a lowly sinner, would have the opportunity for eternal life and salvation with YOU! Thank you! In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.